Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ten Reasons EVERYONE Should Take Fish Oil

By: Billy McDermott

Omega-3 is an *essential fatty acid* (EFA for short) that must be provided in the diet, and cannot be made within the human body. It is used heavily within the brain, and throughout the body. One of the most abundant sources of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly the ones that are most important for the brain, EPA and DHA, happens to be fish. While many eastern societies still have a diet heavily consisting of fish, western societies do not. We, as a society, get less omega-3 fatty acids to keep our minds and bodies healthy, and depending on how crappy your diet is, you could be and likely are getting far too little. The ideal dietary ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is approximately 2:1. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in the average American diet is about 20:1. What we lack in omega-3 in our diet, our bodies must instead, use omega 6 as a substitute. This is not ideal! Omega 6 fatty acids produce inflammatory eicosanoids, which in excess are responsible for the epidemic of inflammatory diseases we suffer from in modern western society.

1.) Fish Oil, as well as other omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation. And that's good.
Uncontrolled inflammation is known to at least in-part be responsible for an enormous number of diseases, and the number of diseases it is known to be implicated in grows by the day. Some of these include: rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, depression, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, migraine headaches, and diabetes, just to name a few. Inflammation is very literally killing us. Even if you don't believe you suffer significantly from any of these -- keeping inflammation at bay is of extreme importance in maintaining overall health of the mind and body. It is now believed that the very process of inflammation may be directly connected to what we ordinarily call "aging."

2.) There is compelling evidence fish oil may be a natural treatment for depression.
Our brain consists of a strange concoction of neurochemicals. Feeling good or bad at any given moment depends literally on the chemical soup within your brain. Those NATURAL feel good neurochemicals all of us are supposed to have... some people seem to just have less of. Thankfully, science is beginning to show that natural health supplements may offer an extremely effective alternative to pharmaceuticals like anti-depressants for improving well-being.

Did you know that depression, chronic anxiety, ADHD, schizophrenia, insomnia and other mental ailments are more common in western society than much of eastern society? That's right. We really are... what we eat. And we don't eat enough fish.

The aforementioned mental illnesses have been shown to indeed have a heavy negative correlation with the blood plasma levels of levels of the omega-3 fatty acid EPA. While correlation does not always indicate causation, it has also been shown that people with chronic diseases such as that of bipolar can sometimes expect to receive up to 50% relief from their symptoms in as little time as a single month!

3.) Omega-3 prevented neuronal damage in an animal model for Parkinson's disease.
An animal model of Parkinson's used a neurotoxin to stimulate damage to dopamine neurons in mice. Damage normally caused by this neurotoxin was completely prevented by consumption of a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids when compared to controls. This does not mean that fish oil prevents parkinson's, but at least in this model it does show promise. Animal models are regularly used to test hypotheses on possible treatments for diseases.

4.) Omega-3 offers a likely means for preventing alzheimers.
Studies have shown that DHA, and omega-3 fat, reduces the secretion of amyloid-beta plaque -- the stuff that causes alzheimers. It also induces the expression of anti-apoptotic and neuroprotective genes. Basically, it helps you keep your brain cells intact.

5.) Fish Oil shows promise in preventing cognitive decline in the elderly.
In a study of 210 elderly men between the ages of 70 and 89 it was shown that the omega-3 fatty acid intake from consumption of fish had a significant effect on cognitive decline over a period of five years. Those of whom ate more fish showed subsequent less cognitive decline than nonconsumers of fish. It has also been observed that lifelong consumption of omega-3 fatty acids is associated with better cognitive aging -- even after controlling for childhood IQ.

6.) Studies have shown fish oil supplementation is likely beneficial for autistics.
Autism in the last decade has been increasingly diagnosed. The major cause of this is because autism is no longer as narrowly defined as it was at one time, and in fact may be more realistically a spectrum of symptoms that make up autism. Autism is more likely to be diagnosed when any of these symptoms from the autistic spectrum are present strongly enough to call for a diagnosis of pure autism. In addition, there is evidence that autistics may have altered omega-3 metabolism, meaning that they may need more omega-3 than the "normal" population.

7.) Fish Oil given to pregnant mothers later boosted the hand-eye coordination of their children.
One study showed that pregnant women given 1.1g of EPA per day, and 2.2g of DHA per day significantly increased hand-eye coordination compared to controls when later re-assesed at 2.5 years of age. The improvements in hand-eye coordination were correlated to an increase in omega-3 fatty acids found in the umbilical cord blood

8.) Fish Oil can prevent heart disease.
This fact is widely known and has been for years, and, in fact, is probably the most common benefit associated with omega-3 there is. The NIH states that fish oil is highly recommended for hypertriglyceridemia, secondary cardiovascular disease prevention and high blood pressure.

9.) Omega-3 has been shown to increase the production of testosterone in male rats.
The need to maintain a healthy level of sex hormones for the upkeep of health needs little elaboration. While the use of clinical treatments like hormone replacement therapy is becoming widespread, it only makes sense to try to increase the body's natural production of sex hormones before relying on such means. Fish oil may be proven in the future to be one such method. In the study using rats, the omega-3 was used to make more effective cell membranes which helped the natural chemical processes to occur more readily. It helped the body's natural mechanisms for producing testosterone to work better in these rats.

10.) Omega-3 has been shown to positively affect muscle mass in steers.
Fish oil given to steers caused them to be able to increase protein metabolism when compared to controls. They were able to use twice the amount of amino acids to synthesize new proteins. This is believed to be caused by an increase in insulin sensitivity by the ingestion of fish oil in the steers. Animals that are given omega-3's also "seem to be able to spontaneously eat 10% less food to achieve the same weight gain."

How should I take omega-3, and how much of it?
In the majority of the studies that it showed to have massive benefit they were taking it in amounts of 1-2g of EPA per DAY. This is more than you can get from taking two of those cheap generic brand pills you were tempted to run out and buy. You're going to need to get some good, pure, concentrated fish oil. The higher-quality stuff has significantly less (if any) fishy taste too. I personally take approximately 2g of EPA a day, and have noticed a tremendous correlation in my ability to unwind and stay relaxed throughout the day since I've began taking it. To say this has simply impacted my wellbeing would be an understatement. It has also been shown that taking the fish oil with a meal is best because it prevents the oil from being burned for calories, and a supplemental vitamin E seems to help the absorption as well.
This article is informational and in no way constitutes medical advice, nor have any of these statements been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration.

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About the Author:
A clean, high-dose brand with a good ratio of EPA to DHA omega-3 fats can be found at: . A full works cited for this article, as well as other articles written by Billy McDermott can be found at: Pick up Artists in Memphis doing training camps.